On Sunday, August 9th, in the church of S. Anna di Stazzema at 6 pm, there’s the sixth concert of the 2015 concert season of the Friends of the Peace Organ Festival at Sant’Anna di Stazzema, with a duo recital by organist Hans Joachim Dumeier (Michelstadt) and clarinettist Irith Gabriely (Darmstadt/Tel Aviv).

The Peace Organ Festival of Sant’Anna di Stazzema, now in its ninth year, thanks to collaboration between Italy and Germany, hosts international musicians. There are eight concerts every Sunday from 5th July to 23rd August. The Festival, which over time is emerging as a musical event of the highest quality in Versilia, is dedicating its concert season to raising funds for the reconstruction of the Peace Park, badly devastated by the storm that hit Versilia on the night of March 5, this year. The ninth year also highlights the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. The Peace Organ (Organo della Pace) is a concrete expression of the power of music in promoting dialogue, knowledge and cooperation between people and cultures. Info: +390584 772286