On 26th , in Barga at the Cloisters of S. Francesco, we will see the performance of the works specially written for Opera Barga’s Inaudita Project and held by Francesco Filidei, recent winner of the Abbiati prize, and Franck Bedrossian, Professor of Composition at Berkeley University.
The 10 selected composers hail from Italy, France, the United States, Russia, Greece, Taiwan and Turkey and their works will be performed by the Ensemble Multilaterale from Paris, specialised in contemporary. The works are for flute, sax, violin and cello.
The composers:
Annie Hui-Hsin Hsieh, Daniela Terranova, Diego Jiménez Tamame, Emanuele Palumbo, Leo Collin, Murat Colak, Nicolay Popov, Sylvain Marty, Theocharis Papatrechas, Wei-Chieh Lin, Antonio Agostini.